Sunday 18 December 2011

Raja Ular Malaysia dan Raja Kalajenking Dunia ( Ali Khan Bin Samsudin )

Malaysia's most famous snake charmer put on daring shows, going so far as to kiss his deadly reptiles. Over the years, many snakes sank their fangs into him. He suffered his first king cobra bite when he was 21 years old. His last king cobra bite happened on Tuesday. He died three days later at Kuala Lumpur Hospital at age 48.
When it came to working with dangerous creatures, Samsuddin liked pushing the limits. He set records few would even want to attempt -- living in a glass case with 5,000 scorpions for 21 days, and living with 400 snakes for 40 days.


  1. snake king malaysia....

  2. Salam Amjad...saya baru saja menonton M3...syabas pada u ...coz tidak ramai di Malaysia yang berani menjadikan SHOW ULAR sebagai satu kerjaya...dulu saya ada seorang kawan bernama SYAM...beliau asal orang Perlis...beliau pernah buat show ular di Brunei. TQ

  3. W'salam Norizan... baru saya perasan terima kasih kerana menonton rancangan saya dan puji saya.

  4. Salam abg amjad..boleh bagi nom fon tak? Ada hal yg nk dibincangkan

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